Family meals might be big or small, daily or less often, filled with old traditions or new ones. The one thing all family meals have in common is the bond built over sharing food.
This book was made to provide Marion County WIC families with inspiration for turning WIC foods into healthy, quick and fun dishes that bring families to the table. We hope you enjoy!
The Recipes
Get your preschooler to try new foods by having them help you in the kitchen. Give them small jobs to do and praise their efforts. Children are less likely to reject foods that they help to make. While the following suggestions are typical, children may develop these skills at different ages.
Storing your produce correctly is a great way to extend the shelf life of your food. There are many fruits and vegetables that can be stored both in the fridge and on the counter. Refrigeration typically helps produce to last longer, but there are added benefits to storing produce on the counter. One of those benefits is healthy eating. Produce that is cleaned and ready to eat in a bowl on your counter is more likely to be consumed as a healthy snack. Lastly, some produce does better in a cool dark place like a pantry. Some examples would be potatoes, onions, garlic, squash, etc. Read more tips here on how to successfully store the items your purchase at the store:
We have all had that moment when we are preparing a meal and realize we are missing that one ingredient to finish our recipe. Many times, this can lead to an unnecessary trip to the store. That is why we created a page dedicated to recipe substitutions to help reduce those last-minute runs to the store.
Food safety is one of the most important aspects when cooking. Cooking meat, eggs, and fish to the correct internal temperature is a great way to protect your family from a food-borne illness, but there are a few other safety tips that should not be overlooked. There are four basic steps to preparing safe food. 1. CLEAN- this would include your hands and any surface you are working on. 2. SEPARATE- do not cross-contaminate, for example you would not use the same surface that had raw meat on it to cut fruit or other vegetables. 3. COOK-cook to the proper temperature (see graph for recommendations). 4. CHILL-refrigerate food within two hours of cooking or sooner if the food is outside in the hot weather.